Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mission Sodor- by Kathleen Watkins

Sea salt whipped George’s face. He could see the island on the horizon, his home, but also the land of his nightmares. Now it was only one thing; his mission. Threatening the world, this malfeasance had to be destroyed. Sodor Island.
George the steam train was flying towards it inside the cockpit of Todd the helicopter. While Todd was a good friend and an even better comrade, even he didn’t know George's history with Sodor. Todd had been one of the agents to find George washed up on the shore of the mainland. Subsequently, Todd had also been the one to convince George to become an agent of C.A.R.L. (Crew for Apprehending Rogue Locomotives) like himself. But Todd didn’t know George's past or why he’d been so eager to be a part of this mission and stop the trains of Sodor.
The scenic mountains were approaching quickly. Soon the quarries and lakes would come into focus. George opened his computer database making sure his boxcar and cargo was safe, secure and accounted for. “Heat-seeking missiles? Check. Boxcar bay release doors? Fully operational.  Boxcar turrets? Loaded and ready.” Finally, George checked the big one. It was ready. This was what the mission was all about. An atomic bomb.
“Reaching destination in two minutes, commander George.” Todd relayed into George’s headset. George looked out at Sodor Island, almost directly below him. Tremendously verdant, Sodor’s forests and snowcapped mountains, towns and tracks were as picturesque as ever. George felt a pang of nostalgia, recalling his adventures growing up upon that small haven. Then he remembered his atomic cargo. George shook himself out of his reverie and reminded himself of the truth.
“All that resplendency is hiding is the blood-soaked scars of the land. There’s nothing down there but evil, murdering trains. A blight that must be destroyed.” George fell into a flashback. Seeing the fires and terror once again, he remembered the rogue trains that had conquered the isle and killed all the innocents. He remembered John. That is why the mission must be completed.
George was brought back to the present with a yell from Todd.
“500 yards to the drop spot, George!” 
“Thanks!” George readied the bomb for release. Suddenly, he heard a whirring. Flying towards them menacingly was Harold the helicopter! And inside his cockpit was the blue demon himself, Thomas the Tank Engine.
“Todd! Prepare for battle!” George bellowed as he charged up his turrets. George heard   the “rat tat tat” of bullets whizz past. The battle began. They rained a maelstrom of projectiles upon each other. Todd and Harold swooped and dove, dodging missiles and explosions. Finally, Todd maneuvered George over the bomb drop spot. But, oh no! George felt a hit! His boxcar was shot, and the cargo hold’s bay doors were jammed. He couldn’t drop the bomb. George frantically schemes a solution.
“Todd, fly me straight into Harold!”
“Are you insane? We’ll be sliced to bits!” Todd yelled
“Just trust me! I have a plan!”
Todd roared in confusion but plunged toward their enemies. As Harold’s deadly blades spin closer, George grimaced in fear. Until he heard the whistling laughter of Thomas.
“Ha ha! You’re doomed! I’ll end you just like I ended that little conductor of yours!”
John. George gasped, remembering their undying friendship. Then, three years ago, the other trains had all gone rogue, and started taking over. It had been Thomas himself, the leader, whom George had seen kill his conductor. He’d tried to stop him, but two, then four, then six, then eight of his cronies had jumped him. He’d refused to join their diabolical group and so they’d tied a couple weights to him and sent him to sea, “swimming with the fishes”. It had only been  because they’d tied the weights improperly (being trains) that’s he’d survived and floated to the mainland.
George yelled in anger “Fly me into Harold now!”
Todd obeyed and George positioned himself carefully. When Harold’s blades collided with George, they sliced right through his jammed bay doors. Opening immediately, George’s boxcar released the atomic bomb.
“Pull up! Pull up!” George screamed. Todd did, snapping Harold’s caught blades in the process. George watched as Thomas, Harold and the bomb dropped to the surface below.
Todd, damaged but working, began flying back to C.A.R.L.’s HQ. George felt the heat of the atomic explosion destroying his childhood home behind him. He felt a stab of loss, but he’d done what he had to do, he looked down at the sea, the blue-green water the color of John’s eyes. George smiled.
“You can rest in peace, old friend, you can rest.” Mission complete.

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